Urodynamics and Urinary Incontinence in Clinical Practice. 2020. Jorge Clavijo Eisele FEBU. Lincolnshire (UK): Urology Solutions Publishing. ISBN: 978-0-9931760-6-7.
Urodinamia e Incontinencia Urinaria en la Practica Clinica. (Spanish). 2a ed. 2018. Jorge Clavijo Eisele FEBU. Lincolnshire (UK): Urology Solutions Publishing. ISBN: 978-0-9931760-7-4.
Handbook of on Call Urology. Audiobook. 1st ed. By: Jorge Clavijo-Eisele FEBU. Narrated by: Will Oxborrow. Lincolnshire (UK): Urology Solutions Publishing. 2017.
Manual de Urologia de Guardia. (Spanish).1a ed. Dr. Jorge Clavijo Eisele. Montevideo: Oficina del Libro-FEFMUR. ISBN: 978-9974-31-260-9. Montevideo. 2016.
Manual de Urologia de Guardia. 1a ed. (Español). Dr. Jorge Clavijo Eisele FEBU. Lincolnshire (UK): Urology Solutions Publishing. 2016. ISBN-13: 978-0993176043.
Handbook of On Call Urology: 2nd Edition. Mr Jorge Clavijo-Eisele FEBU. Lincolnshire (UK): Urology Solutions Publishing. 2016. ISBN-13: 978-0993176036.
Radiografia simple de aparato urinario en la practica urologica. (Spanish).1a ed. Dr. Jorge Clavijo Eisele FEBU, Mr Raja Marimuthu MRCS, et al. Lincolnshire (UK): Urology Solutions Publishing. 2016. ISBN-13: 978-0993176050.
Handbook of On Call Urology. 1st ed. Mr Jorge Clavijo-Eisele FEBU. Lincolnshire (UK): Urology Solutions Publishing. 2015. ISBN-13: 978-0993176005.
KUB in Urology Practice. 1st ed. Mr. Jorge Clavijo Eisele FEBU, Mr Raja Marimuthu MRCS, et al. Lincolnshire (UK): Urology Solutions Publishing. 2015. ISBN-13: 978-0993176012.
Manual Del Hombre Maduro. (Spanish). 1a ed. Jorge Clavijo. Montevideo: Editorial Fin de Siglo. 2015. ISBN-13: 978-9974498037.
Urodinamia e Incontinencia Urinaria en la Practica Clinica. (Spanish). 1a ed. Jorge Clavijo Eisele FEBU. Lincolnshire (UK): Urology Solutions Publishing. 2015. ISBN-13: 978-1530671762.
Guia de procedimientos. Laparoscopia y endourologia. (Spanish). Badia H, Clavijo J, Decia R. Montevideo: Publicacion de Sanifico. 1999.
Reviewed communications.
- Características clínicas, genéticas y anátomo patológicas del síndrome de Von Hippel Lindau. F Neffa, J Clavijo, C Zamora, et al. VIII Congreso Uruguayo de Anatomia Patologica. 2019.
- Prognostic value of perirenal and/or sinus fat infiltration in patients with pT3a renal cell carcinoma: A multicentre cohort study. LARCG Group. García Marchiñena P, Tobia I, Abreu D, et al. Actas Urol Esp. 2019 May 30.
- The creation, development and diffusion of the LARCG latin american renal cancer group. Zequi SC, Abreu-Clavijo D, et al. Int Braz J Urol. 2017 Jan-Feb;43(1):3-6.
- Outcomes in over 4,000 Patients with Renal Cell Carcinoma from the Latin American Renal Cancer Group. Abreu D, Gueglio G, Garcia P, et al. J Urol. 197, 4S, e186. MP16-17. 2017.02.523. 2017.
- The role of American Society of Anesthesiology classification (ASA) as a prognostic tool for renal cell carcinoma: a large cohort from the Latin American Renal Cancer Group. Ferreira B, Clavijo J, Guimaraes G, et al. 36th Congress of the Societe Internationale D ́Urologie. MP.13.01. 2016.
- The creation and development of LARCG (Latin American Renal Cancer Group). Zequi S, Abreu D, Nolazco A, et al. World J Urol. 2016. 34; Supp 1; MP 09.06.
- Investigation and Management of Incidental Adrenal Masses. J Clavijo-Eisele, M Rogers, S Laghari, et al. J Endourology. October 2013, 27(S1): MP 17.22, p 338.
- Outcomes of laparoscopic radical nephro-ureterectomy for upper tract urothelial cancer. Salloum S, Clavijo J. J. Endourol. Vol. 26 (Suppl 1), A286, UP 032. 2012.
- Community-acquired methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus: a new aetiological agent of prostatic abscess. Abreu D, Arroyo C, Suarez R, et al. BMJ Case Rep. 2011 May 12.PMID: 22696740.
- Day case laparoscopic retroperitoneal adrenalectomy. J. Clavijo, T. Boddice, M. Rogers, et al. J. Endourol. Vol. 24 (Suppl 1), A217, PS 27-18. 2010.
- In Theatre. Clavijo J. Spanish Doctors. 1, (5), 32. 2010.
- Clinical Management of Superficial Bladder Cancers. J Lee, J Clavijo Eisele. Urology News 2009, 13, 5, p10.
- Rosai-Dorfman disease presenting as a kidney tumour. Roy S, Kweka E, Chaudhri P, Clavijo J. BMJ Case Rep. 2008 Nov 20. PMID: 21716810
- An Association of Purple Urine Bag Syndrome with Intussusception. R N Pillai, J Clavijo, M Narayanan, K Zaman. Urology. 70 (4): 812. Oct 2007. PMID:17991574
- Bulky specimen retrieval in retroperitoneal laparoscopic nephrectomy. J Clavijo Eisele, P Rimington, M Rogers, et al. J. Endourol. Vol. 21 (Suppl 1), MP 25-22. 2007.
- Endoscopic vaginal vesicostomy for pyocystis in supravesical urinary diversion. J Clavijo Eisele, L Chowoo, W Lawrence.J. Endourol. Vol. 21 (Suppl 1), A 59. 2007.
- Feasibility of real time TRUS during laparoscopic radical cystectomy. J Clavijo Eisele, P Rimington, R Paul, P Dasgupta. . Urol. Vol. 68 (Suppl 5A), p 138, MP 13-12. 2006.
- Icodextrin solution for adhesions prevention after laparoscopic radical cystectomy. J Clavijo Eisele, P Rimington, R Paul, et al. Urol. Vol. 68 (Suppl 5A), 139, MP 13-13. 2006.
- Intraoperative TRUS during laparoscopic radical cystectomy. J Clavijo Eisele, PD Rimington, R Paul, P Dasgupta. J. Endourol. Vol. 20 (Suppl 1), A 184, MP 13-23. 2006.
- Use of Icodextrin to prevent adhesions in laparoscopic radical cystectomy. P Rimington, J Clavijo Eisele, R Paul, P Dasgupta. . J. Endourol. Vol. 20 (Suppl 1), A 179, MP 13-03. 2006.
- An IVU or a CT scan is not needed for all patients before or during kidney stone therapy. P Verma, J Clavijo Eisele, G M Watson. J. Endourol. Vol. 19 (Suppl 1), A 97,. 2005.
- The use of air instead of saline in the pelvicalyceal system. Uses and caveats. J Clavijo Eisele, P Verma, G M Watson. J. Endourol. Vol. 19 (Suppl 1), A 223, 2005.
- Cyanoacrylate solution for hemostasis in laparoscopic partial nephrectomy in an animal model. Clavijo-Eisele J, Puppi R, Soto C, Suárez R. J. Endourol. Vol. 19 (Suppl 1), A 252, 2005.
- Outcomes of Suprapubic Urethral Sphincter Injection Treatment (SUSIT) for Stress Incontinence in Women. Rajbabu K, Clavijo Eisele J, Lawrence W. Congress of the European Society for Urological Research. Athens. 2004.
- Cyanoacrylate tissue sealing in laparoscopic partial nephrectomy. Clavijo-Eisele J, Rajbabu K, Puppi R, Soto C, Suarez R, Rassweiler J. Congress of the European Society for Urological Research. Athens. 2004.
- Genital Condylomata and human papiloma virus. Calandria L, Clavijo J. Tendencias, 19, 107, Nov. 2001.
- Medium term outcomes of polypropylene mesh sling for stress incontinence. Clavijo J, Langenhin R, Rizzo J. 1st Urology Congress of MERCOSUR. Punta Del Este. Uruguay. 2001.
- Minimally invasive polypropylene mesh sling for stress incontinence. Clavijo-Eisele J, García L. J. Endourol. Vol. 15 (Supl 1), V6-P1, 2001.
- Rescue ureteroscopic in situ lithotripsy after failed ESWL, review of 168 cases. Clavijo-Eisele J, Rizzo J, Patino T, et al. J. Endourol. 14 (Suppl 1), A51, P 9-3, 2000.
- Polypropylene mesh sling. Clavijo Eisele J. Rev Arg Urol. 65, 3, p 204(A), 2000.
- Decorticacion de quiste renal lumboscopica. Clavijo Eisele J, Perdomo M. Rev. Arg Urol. 65, 3, p 217(A), 2000.
- Electro estimulacion perineal en la incontinencia de orina. Martinez L, Clavijo Eisele J, Schiaffarino O R, Malfatto G. Rev. Arg. Urol. 65, 3, p 119(A), 2000.
- Intradiverticular bladder tumors. Badía H, Villa C, Clavijo J, Cepellini R. Rev. Chil. Urol. 61, 2, p 45, 1996.
- Upper urinary tract urodynamics. Clavijo-Eisele J. Postgrad. Monograph. Arch. Fac. Med. Uruguay. 1995.
- B-NAG in patients with obstructive uropathy. Clavijo, J., et al. V Uruguayan Congress of Urology. Salto. Uruguay. 1993.
- Incontinencia de orina en la mujer. Fernandez-Gomez W, Pereyra-Flores W, Costabel G, et al. Cuadernos de Urologia del Uruguay. P 1-5. 1993.
- Diabetes Mellitus. Urodynamic findings in the diabetic patient. Fernandez, W., Cardozo, J., Clavijo, J., et al. IV Uruguayan Congress of Urology. Solis. Uruguay. 1991.
- Giggle incontinence: pathological micturition during laugh. Fernandez, W., Clavijo, J. Lab. of Neurourology. Dept. of Urology. Hosp. de Clínicas. Montevideo. I Ibero-American Congress of Neurourology and Urogynecology. Punta Del Este. Uruguay. 1989.
Contributing Author.
- Henderson JM, Fowler S, Joyce A, et al. Perioperative outcomes of 6042 nephrectomies in 2012: surgeon-reported results in the UK from the British Association of Urological Surgeons (BAUS) nephrectomy database. BJU Int. 2015 Jan;115(1):121-6.
- Hadjipavlou M, Khan F, Fowler S, et al. BAUS Sections of Endourology and Oncology. Partial vs radical nephrectomy for T1 renal tumours: an analysis from the British Association of Urological Surgeons Nephrectomy Audit. BJU Int. 2016 Jan;117(1):62-71.
- Zelhof B, McIntyre IG, Fowler SM, et al. Nephrectomy for benign disease in the UK: results from the British Association of Urological Surgeons nephrectomy database. BJU Int. 2016 Jan;117(1):138-44.
- Fernando A, Fowler S, O’Brien T; et al. Nephron-sparing surgery across a nation – outcomes from the British Association of Urological Surgeons 2012 national partial nephrectomy audit. BJU Int. 2016 Jun;117(6):874-82.
- Fernando A, Fowler S, Van Hemelrijck M, et al. Who is at risk of death from nephrectomy? An analysis of thirty-day mortality after 21 380 nephrectomies in 3 years of the British Association of Urological Surgeons (BAUS) National Nephrectomy Audit. BJU Int. 2017 Sep;120(3):358-364.
- Saunders EJ, Dadaev T, Leongamornlert DA, et al. Gene and pathway level analyses of germline DNA-repair gene variants and prostate cancer susceptibility using the iCOGS-genotyping array. Br J Cancer. 2016 Apr 12;114(8):945-52.
- Amin Al Olama A, Dadaev T, et al. Multiple novel prostate cancer susceptibility signals identified by fine-mapping of known risk loci among Europeans. Hum Mol Genet. 2015 Oct 1;24(19):5589-602.
- Estimulación del nervio tibial posterior. Clavijo Eisele J. 2019. En: Tratado de perineología: disfunciones del piso pélvico. Castillo Pino E (ed). 1a ed. Montevideo.
- Menopausia: El comienzo de una etapa fecunda. Dr Ricardo Pou Ferrari (Autor), Dr Jorge Clavijo Eisele (Redactor), et al. 2017. Montevideo, Uruguay. CreateSpace Independent Publishing. ISBN: 978-1543194593.
- Estrategia Operatoria en Nefrectomía Lumboscópica. Clavijo Eisele, J., & Rimington, P. D. (2014). En L. Martinez, & et. al., Principales Tumores Urológicos (2a ed., págs. 99-117). Montevideo, Uruguay: Nolver. ISBN: 978-9974-99-665-6.
- Relation between impotence and obesity. Clavijo Eisele J. In: Siola F (ed.): Obesidad en el Siglo XXI. ISBN 9974-39-538-0. Montevideo, Ed. Rosgal S.A., 2003, pp 105-109.
- Urinary lesions. Clavijo Eisele J. In: Scasso JC and col. (Eds): Introducción a la Cirugía Endoscópica Ginecológica. Montevideo, Ed. de la Plaza, 2002, p 399.